
The Global Report form is only for reporting child pornography, prostitution, sex trafficking, sexual exploitation of children, credit card numbers, social security numbers, banking information, any government-issued identification documents, or anything illegal under United States law. DMCA requests and all other deletion requests MUST be sent to

8kun is unmoderated and allows posts without collecting ANY information from the poster less the details of their post. Furthermore, all boards on 8kun are user-created and not actively monitored by anyone but the Board Owner and his or her board volunteers.

8kun has a small staff of global volunteers to handle this queue. Please do not waste their time by filling it with nonsense! If you made a report with this tool and the post was not deleted, do not file the report again!. Abuse of the 8kun report system could lead to address blocks against your IP from 8kun.

Again, 8kun's global volunteers do not handle board-specific issues. You most likely want to click Report instead to reach the Board Owner and / or the volunteers he or she assigned to the board in question.

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